Sunday, May 9, 2010

Gradma Nancy & Grandpa Jerry' s Vist

I've been a busy girl and haven't had a chance to tell everyone how much I enjoyed my first visit with Grandma Nancy and Grandpa Jerry. it was soo much fun to have them in town for the week. they both took such good care of me and mommy and daddy.

I'm wearing one of my first outfits from Grandma Nancy... Yellow of course!

Daddy was on the way to the airport for work. I was not happy he had to leave.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

My Birth Day! Sunday Janurary 31st

Mom gave birth to me in a very speedy fashion, just 5hrs & 18 mins. I was so happy to meet Mommy and Daddy. I was awake and aware from minute number one. It's probably due to Mommy's strength and her courage to give birth to me naturally without ANY drugs, just lots of LOVE. . .

Click here to view a slide show of my first few hours

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